Thursday, September 30, 2010

The essentials, revised

This time last year I posted about all the books I was taking to college with me. I am once again back at school, so I think it's time to post this year's essential books.
Not a whole lot has changed since last year. I have less Tamora Pierce and less Tolkien, and no Lost Art of Keeping Secrets because it's off having adventures in Oregon. I bought a set of His Dark Materials a while ago, and I've also added 84, Charing Cross Road and Emma. Still, what I consider essential is pretty similar.
I've apparently gotten more optimistic about my chances of reading any new books. Maybe that's the trick--if you expect to read books, you will. I also brought the two I'm actually working on, American Gods and Evelina. Less books than last year, in total, especially since I mysteriously have no textbooks to buy.

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